In honor of International Babywearing Week, I am resharing this blog post, which originally appeared on a different blog of mine.
Yes, that's right. I LOVE BABYWEARING. You know when you see parents
walking around with their little one strapped to their chest or back
(or hip)? That. Love, love, love.
I bought a
Moby Wrap
when my son was just a few weeks old. My sister had used one with her
son, and I thought it seemed like a neat idea. It was relatively
inexpensive as far as carriers go, versatile, and delightfully snuggly
for my little guy. We used the Moby for a few months, and I loved it!
And then soon after we arrived in San Diego, he began to refuse to go
into it, presumably because the weather was warming up and he was just
getting too toasty.
We bought an
Carrier next, the performance model because it looked like it would be
comfortable and more temperature-appropriate. It seemed a bit expensive
to me initially, but it was worth every penny and I tell everyone who
asks about it now that it's the most useful parenting tool I own.
Seriously. It can carry a baby up to 45 pounds (my son is now about 31
pounds and he still loves riding in it occasionally), it's small and compact, and it
makes both of our lives better in many ways.
I personally have no experience with any other kind of carrier. I have friends who have used ring slings, woven wraps,
Beco carriers,
carriers, handmade carriers purchased from Etsy, and others. I can't
tell you what kind you should buy, but as with all things parenting, I
suggest you do your research! Talk to friends, women from your local
parenting groups, people you see at the mall. Read reviews. Please
read about the importance of using an ergonomically-correct carrier and
risk of hip dysplasia from "crotch-dangler" style carriers.
Look for local groups or classes where you can try out different
styles of carrier and learn how to use them before purchasing. (Check
Babywearing San Diego or other similar groups in your area!)
Here are just a few of the things that I love about babywearing.
Babywearing helps you meet your baby's needs.
Have you ever heard of the concept of the "
fourth trimester?"
The basic premise is that human babies are born before they're really
developmentally ready because we have such big brains that we couldn't
fit through the birth canal if gestation lasted any longer. Human
babies are really quite immature at birth, at least when you compare
them to other animal babies. During the first few months after birth,
babies to struggle to adapt to life on the outside, and this is part of
the reason why so many babies just want to spend all of their time in
someone's arms. One of the best-known books on this idea is
The Happiest Baby on the Block, in which Dr. Harvey Karp offers suggestions for "recreating the womb" to soothe unhappy babies.
your baby in a carrier or a sling and taking him for a walk gives him
three of his favorite sensations: jiggly motion, cuddling, and the
rhythmic, soothing sound of your breathing. These devices are great
ways to treat our babies to a sweet reminder of the fourth trimester."
Harvey Karp, The Happiest Baby on the Block
It's perfectly normal for your baby to want to be held all the time.
Babies need to be close to a caregiver; this is biologically normal.
Babywearing can help you meet that need.
Babywearing lets your baby get more out of life.
humanizes a baby. Proximity increases interaction, and baby can be
constantly learning how to be human. Carried babies are intimately
involved in their parents' world because they participate in what mother
and father are doing. Consider the alternative infant-care practice, in
which baby is separate from the mother most of the day... For the
infant who lives alone, normal daily experiences have no learning value
for him and no bonding value for the mother. At best, baby is involved
as a spectator rather than a player." William Sears, The Baby Book
I am wearing my baby, he truly does get more out of life. I carry on
conversations with him. He points at things, and I identify them for
him. He can see more than he can from a stroller, especially from a
rear-facing infant stroller. Even a "regular" stroller leaves him too low to the ground to see as much as he'd like to. (And when he gets tired of looking at
things, he can still snuggle against me and go to sleep!) He can wave
at pedestrians on the street, and they often wave back. He can wave at
big construction trucks stopped at red lights, and sometimes they honk
their horns for him.
Compare that to the baby riding passively in a
stroller. Assuming he isn't screaming and demanding to be held while
his parents uncomfortably ignore him, everything is just washing over
him. His parents talk with each other, or play on their phones, not with him. People walking by
don't make eye contact. He can't really see much of what is going on
around him. Which baby do you think is happier?
Babywearing lets you do more.
this meme I see floating around Facebook occasionally. It has a
picture of a man with a very strained expression on his face, and he's
carrying a handful of bags and a loaf of bread tucked under his arm.
The caption is
"I'd rather break my arms than take two trips."
This is my husband. After we go shopping together, he divides all of
our bags between his hands, or stacks boxes from Costco so high that he
can barely see over the top, or otherwise does his best to bring
everything inside in one trip. Before our Little Bug was born, I'd
share the load; once we were parents, my job was to carry our son while
he carried everything else.
And then, when Little Bug was about
seven months old, my husband left on deployment. Suddenly I had to
bring in groceries by myself. Thanks to my trusty Ergo carrier, I could
strap my baby to my chest or back and carry bags with both hands. (For
the record, I am not a pack mule like my husband. I will make two or
three trips if necessary.) (Also, I call my husband a pack mule in the
most loving way possible.)
With a baby carrier, I can do all kinds
of things more easily. With my baby attached to me, I can take trash
and recycling out to the dumpster. I can wash dishes. I can vacuum the
carpets. I can eat with both hands. I can nurse while doing my
grocery shopping (and no one can even tell). I can make it through
airport security with ease. When you have a baby who wants to be held
all the time, as mine did, you can get a lot more done with the aid of a
baby carrier.
Babywearing gives you greater mobility.
my son was around eight months old, I joined a meetup group for mothers
whose babies were of a similar age. One of the very first meetups I
attended was at the mall. There were six of us, if I remember
correctly, and all of them were pushing strollers while I had my little
guy strapped to my chest in the Ergo. We were a force to be reckoned
with, this parade of strollers carving our way through the crowds,
filling the elevator to the brim when we went upstairs, walking two by
two up the ramp and not leaving room for anyone else to get around us.
We kind of ended up with a marching order every time we headed to a new
store, and whoever you were walking next to was who you were talking
with until we stopped again, because with strollers it's just not easy
to switch places. We had to use elevators and ramps, since strollers
cannot traverse staircases, and if there was a slow- or non-moving
crowd, we had to slowly wade our way through.
Watching others
struggle with strollers is part of what convinced me to try a carrier in
the first place. With a baby in a carrier, you can slide through thick
crowds with ease. You can go up staircases (weighted stair climbing
makes for fantastic exercise). You can walk places where strollers do
not dare to tread. Beaches? Easy hiking? Gravel pathways? All very
doable with a carrier.
At the top of Cowles Mountain in San Diego. |
And don't go thinking that carriers become obsolete once baby starts
walking. As I mentioned earlier, I still wear my little guy frequently. Sure, I love letting him walk on his own and explore the world.
But sometimes I just want to, you know, actually make it to a
particular destination within a reasonable amount of time. Or go
shopping without just following him around and telling him not to pull
things off the shelves.
Babywearing can help make you healthier.
Before you ask,
I do not get some misguided sense of superiority from wearing my baby.
(And yes, I have had that "argument" lobbed at me before from people
who do not agree with or approve of my intuitive, attached style of
parenting.) What I'm going for here is that babywearing can help you
get more exercise, both because of increased mobility and because, well,
when you walk or hike you're carrying the added weight of your baby. I
personally believe that babywearing helped tremendously as I slowly
lost my baby weight. (It took awhile, but I was in no rush to get rid
of it either.) Note that I don't say anything about my "prepregnancy
body." I am not in nearly as good of shape as I was before having a
baby, since walking and hiking are just no substitute for the cardio
kickboxing and intense strength workouts I favored before I got pregnant
(and for a good chunk of my pregnancy too). But babywearing does turn
walking into a more effective form of exercise. And if you hike up a
mountain with a baby on your back, you will find yourself both short of
breath and rather sore the following morning (although you will also get
some admiring looks from other hikers). There's even an actual
Babywearing Workout
DVD that you can try, should you so desire. (I have not, although I
would like to. Well, maybe not with a squirmy toddler.) Babywearing
has definitely helped me to be healthier.